In April BADco. will present an extensive three-week program
Evolution will not be televised at the artist-run platform
SKOGEN in Gothenburg, Sweden!
05.-23. April 2013
@ Skogen, Masthuggsterrassen 3, Gothenburg, Sweden
Throughout a three week period we'll run a public program that will include four of our performances, two workshops, a new performative installation work and a series of lectures and performance lectures a.o. by guests: Tor Lindstrand, Anders Paulin and Anders Mossling, and Johan Normark.
Although the program will offer a comprehensive overview of BADco.’s artistic and educational work, the program block starts from BADco.’s recent concerns: on the one hand, artistic explorations of issues of ecology and environment in the theater that open the block with BADco.’s latest performance
Is There Life on Stage? – Exercises in Terraforming. On the other hand, concerns with the old medium of television that will be at the center of BADco.’s work during the stay in SKOGEN and take the form of a performative installation
TVolution won’t be televised.
The performative installation work in SKOGEN is a follow-up of the installation work BADco. did in 2011 for the
Croatian presentation at the 54th Venice Biennale. This initiated a series of investigations and experimental set-ups that the collective is currently developing alongside of its performances and that are dealing with the recontextualisation and remediation of theater performance into other artistic, scholarly and social practices.
05. April, 19:00
Performance by BADco.
Is There Life on Stage? – Exercises in Terraforming
06. April, 19:00
Performance by BADco.
SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or How to Explain Contemporary Dance to an Undead Hare
followed by
presentation of BADco.'s work & party
09. April, 18:00-21:00
Digital tools in dance: demonstration of
Whatever Dance Toolbox
BADco. will first demonstrate their software toolbox and after visitors can test the system first hand.
14. April, 13:00-17:00
Opening of performative installation
TVolution will not be televised, also open for visitors 15. & 17. April, 12:00-17:00
16. April, 19:00
Lecture performance by Economy/Tor Lindstrand
The Walkable City
Performance by Anders Paulin & Anders Mossling
Neither You Nor Me
18. April, 19:00
Talk by Johan Normark
Water as Object and Hyperobject in the Ancient Maya Area
18. - 19. April, 9:00-17:00
Workshop by BADco.:
Whatever Dance Toolbox
19. April, 19:00
Performance by BADco.
Point of Convergence
20. - 21. April, 10:00-14:00
Workshop by BADco.:
Post-hoc dramaturgy: Always, Never, Now
23. April, 20:00
Performance by BADco.
Trilogy on Labor
followed by: goodbye party
For ticket booking and calendar click here!
[caption id="attachment_1162" align="alignnone" width="500"]

BADco. "Is There Life on Stage", 2012, photo: Tomislav Medak[/caption]
U travnju BADco. će kroz opsežni, trotjedni program biti predstavljen u centru
SKOGEN-u u švedskom Göteborgu!
05.-23. travnja 2013.
@ Skogen, Masthuggsterrassen 3, Göteborg, Švedska
Trotjedni javni program
Evolution will not be televised uključuje četiri predstave, dvije radionice, novu instalaciju i niz javnih predavanja članova BADco. i vanjskih gostiju poput Tora Lindstranda, Andersa Paulina, Andersa Mosslinga i Johana Normarka.
Program će švedskoj publici ponuditi opsežan uvid u umjetnički i edukativni rad skupine, a tematski se vezuje na dva recentna interesa skupine; problem ekologije i okoliša u kazalištu, uključujući i izvedbu predstave
Ima li života na sceni? - Vježbe iz oblikovanja Zemlje, te interes za “stari medij” televizije koji će rezultirati živom instalacijom
TVolution won’t be televised, po kojoj je cijeli program dobio ime.
Izvedbena instalacija u SKOGEN-u nastavak je rada kojim se skupina predstavila na
54. Bijenalu u Veneciji 2011.g. koji je potaknuo niz daljnih eksperimenata s izvedbenim postavima kojima je cilj rekontekstualizirati čin kazališne izvedbe i približiti ga time drugim umjetničkim, znanstvenim i društvenim praksama.
05. travnja, 19:00
Predstava BADco.
Ima li života na sceni? - Vježbe iz oblikovanja Zemlje
06. travnja, 19:00
Predstava BADco.
POLUINTERPRETACIJE ili kako objasniti suvremeni ples nemrtvom zecu
nakon izvedbe
prezentacija rada BADco. & party
09. travnja, 18:00-21:00
Digitalni alati u plesu: prezentacija
Whatever Dance Toolbox
Nakon uvodne prezentacija posjetitelji mogu sami isprobati alatku.
14. travnja, 13:00-17:00
Otvorenje izvedbene instalacije
TVolution will not be televised, instalacija će također biti otvorena za posjetitelje 15. & 17. travnja, 12:00-17:00
16. travnja, 19:00
lecture performance Economy/Tora Lindstranda
The Walkable City
Predstava Andersa Paulina & Andersa Mosslinga
Neither You Nor Me
18. travnja, 19:00
Predavanje Johana Normarka
Water as Object and Hyperobject in the Ancient Maya Area
18. - 19. travnja, 9:00-17:00
Radionica BADco.
Whatever Dance Toolbox
19. travnja, 19:00
Predstava BADco.
Točka sabiranja
20. - 21. travnja, 10:00-14:00
Radionica BADco.
Post-hoc dramaturgy: Always, Never, Now
23. travnja, 20:00
Izvedba BADco.
Trilogija o radu
nakon izvedbe oproštajni party
Prodaja karata i kalendar ovdje!