SYMPOSIUM "Choreography Before the Movement", Zagreb 01.-02.06.2012 & "Semi-interpretations...", Zagreb, 02.06.2012

01.-02.06.2012 @ Zagreb Dance Centre, Ilica 10, Zagreb PRE-PROGRAM 30. & 31.05. 2012 10:00 – 13:00 Reading group with Marko Kostanić, Frakcija Performing Arts Journal #60/61 "Artistic Labor in the Age of Austerity" SYMPOSIUM 01.06.2012. 11:00 - 13:00 The Joy of Co-belonging? Collaborative practices in the field of the Performing Arts are currently not motivated by a romantic desire for "happily being together" or a projected social or political revolution that would be projected to the future, they are rather concerned with enabling processes of singularisation that are characterized by the polyphony of the involved, by self-organisation and self-determination. Postconsensual practices allow a way of working that respects singular practices, formulations and ways of thinking and recognizes them as a chance, rather than as an obstacle. What are the differences between collaboration, cooperation and collectivism? Can open source-models inspire new modes of working together and of a collective ownership of the means of production? Introductory lectures by Martina Ruhsam, choreographer (A), Chris Standfest, dramaturge (A), Katherina Zakravsky, theorist (A) 18:00 Screening and discussion: Chto Delat: "The Builders" This video project is inspired by the painting "The Builders of Bratsk" (1961) by Viktor Popkov. As a Soviet art critic once accurately noted, "the paintings main theme is the 'resurgence of life.'" By today, this piece has become an iconographic symbol of self-possessed, concentrated people, not only standing on the brink of great changes, but capable of making sense of this transformation and realizing it. Igor Grubić: "East Side Story" Split screen video, one channel shows footage from a gay pride parade in Zagreb, another shows a set of dance sequences performed by lone individuals in the same city. The crowd-conditioned violence detailed in the former, and recorded on its soundtrack, lends an edge to the solo performances in the latter. 02.06.2012. 11:30 – 14:00 Procedures, methodologies, scores with presentations by Bojana Cvejić, Martina Granić (TASK), OOUR, BADco. 18:00 Book and publication presentations: Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Bojana Cvejić: "A Choreographer's Score" This book explores four of Rosas' early works: Fase, Rosas danst Rosas, Elena's Aria, and Bartók. In addition to sketches, notes, and photographs, it features four DVDs that include interviews with De Keersmaeker, as well as dance demonstrations and extensive video clips from each of the four works. "SCORES – Publication" With its own publication – SCORES– the Tanzquartier Wien is for the first time continuing its artistic-theoretical program in another, independent medium. SCORES takes artistic research one step further and opens a performative space within the discursive one – in order to facilitate the sustainability of the discourse practiced in the house and to serve as an invitation to dialogue.   Organized by: Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance / Dance Week Festival Zagreb in collaboration with Tanzquartier Wien and BADco. Zagreb Thanks to: Chto Delat, Igor Grubić, WHW Program is an activity of Beyond Fronta project supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union. Project supported by: Zagreb City Office for Education, Culture and Sport, Ministry of Culture RH, European Commission, Austrian Cultural Forum, British Council , INTPA Partners: Tanzquartier Wien, Flota zavod Murska Sobota (SI), Greenwich Dance Agency (UK), Verein fur neue Tanzformen (AT), Pro progressione (HU), OHO Oberwart (SI) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BADco. invites you to see SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or how to explain contemporary dance to an undead hare at Dance Week Festival Zagreb! 02.06.2012 21:00 @ Zagreb Dance Centre, Ilica 10, Zagreb [caption id="attachment_851" align="alignnone" width="500"] BADco. "SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or how to explain contemporary dance to an undead hare"[/caption] BADco. i HIPP vas pozivaju na simpozij


01.-02.06.2012. @ Zagrebački plesni centar, Ilica 10, Zagreb UVODNI PROGRAM 30. & 31.05. 2012. 10:00 – 13:00 Grupno čitanje s Markom Kostanićem, Frakcija časopis za izvedbene umjetnosti #60/61 "Umjetnicki rad u doba stednje" SIMPOZIJ 01.06.2012. 11:00 - 13:00 Radost supripadanja? Suvremene suradničke prakse u izvedbenim umjetnostima nisu vođene romantičarskom idejom "sretnog zajedničkog bivanja" ili pak projekcijom neke buduće društvene ili političke revolucije već se radije fokusiraju na procese koji omogućavaju singularizaciju čije je bitno obilježje višeglasje uključenih, samoorganizacija i samoodređenje. Postkonsezualne prakse omogućuju suradnju poštujući individualne načine rada te oblikovanje stavova i mišljenja, prepoznajući sve to kao priliku radije nego kao prepreku. Koje su razlike između suradnje, kooperacije i kolektivizma? Mogu li modeli otvorenog koda inspirirati nove moduse suradnje i kolektivnog vlasništva nad sredstvima proizvodnje? Uvodna izlaganja održat će Martina Ruhsam, koreografkinja (A), Chris Standfest, dramaturginja (A), Katherina Zakravsky, teoretičarka (A). 18:00 Projekcija video radova i razgovor: Chto Delat: "The Builders" Ovaj video projekt inspiriran je slikom Viktora Popkova "Graditelji Bratska" (1961.g.) čiju je glavnu temu jedan kritičar točno opisao kao "revitalizacija". Do danas ta je slika zadržala status ikonografskog simbola staloženih, koncentriranih ljudi koji stoje na rubu velikih promjena, razumiju ih i spremni su ih sprovesti. Igor Grubić: "East Side Story" Na podijeljenom ekranu jedan kanal pokazuje dokumentarne snimke gay parade u Beogradu i Zagrebu dok drugi pokazuje niz solo plesnih sekvenci koje izvode plesači u istom gradu. Grupno uvjetovano nasilje vidljivo je do u detalj na prvom ekranu u dokumentarnom videu, a zvučna snimka dokumentarnog videa, nasnimljena preko plesnog videa, daje kritički smisao plesnim izvedama na drugom ekranu. 02.06.2012. 11:30 – 14:00 Procedure, metodologije, partiture Prezentacije Bojane Cvejić, Martine Granić (TASK), OOUR-a, BADco. 18:00 Predstavljanje knjige i časopisa: Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker i Bojana Cvejić: "A Choreographer's Score" Ova knjiga istražuje četiri rana rada Rosas: Fase, Rosas danst Rosas, Elena's Aria, i Bartók. Pored skica, bilježaka i fotografija, knjiga sadrži četiri DVD-a sa razgovorima s Anne Teresom De Keersmaker, plesnim demonstracijama i video isječcima iz te četiri predstave. "SCORES – Publication" Vlastitiom publikacijom "SCORES" Tanzquartier Wien po prvi puta nastavlja svoj umjetničko-teorijski program posredstvom drugačijeg, samostalnog medija. SCORES gura umjetničko istraživanje korak dalje otvarajući izvedbeni prostor unutar diskurzivnog, s namjerom održavanja diskurzivne prakse u samoj kući i poziva na dijalog.   Organizirali: Hrvatski Institut za pokret i ples / Tjedan suvremenog plesa Zagreb u suradnji s Tanzquartier Wien i BADco. Zagreb Zahvaljujemo: Chto Delat, Igoru Grubiću, WHW-u Program je dio aktivnosti projekta Beyond Fronta podržan od strane Programa Kultura, Europske Unije. Projekt podržali: Gradski ured za kulturu, obrazovanje i sport Grada Zagreba, Ministarstvo kulture RH, Europska komisija, Austrijski kulturni forum, British Council, INTPA Partneri: Tanzquartier Wien, Flota zavod Murska Sobota (SI), Greenwich Dance Agency (UK), Verein fur neue Tanzformen (AT), Pro progressione (HU), OHO Oberwart (SI) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BADco. vas poziva na izvedbu

POLUINTERPRETACIJE ili kako objasniti suvremeni ples nemrtvom zecu

u sklopu Tjedna suvremenog plesa! 02.06.2012 21:00 @ Zagrebački plesni centar, Ilica 10, Zagreb  

SYMPOSIUM "Choreography Before the Movement", Zagreb 01.-02.06.2012 & "Semi-interpretations...", Zagreb, 02.06.2012

01.-02.06.2012 @ Zagreb Dance Centre, Ilica 10, Zagreb PRE-PROGRAM 30. & 31.05. 2012 10:00 – 13:00 Reading group with Marko Kostanić, Frakcija Performing Arts Journal #60/61 "Artistic Labor in the Age of Austerity" SYMPOSIUM 01.06.2012. 11:00 - 13:00 The Joy of Co-belonging? Collaborative practices in the field of the Performing Arts are currently not motivated by a romantic desire for "happily being together" or a projected social or political revolution that would be projected to the future, they are rather concerned with enabling processes of singularisation that are characterized by the polyphony of the involved, by self-organisation and self-determination. Postconsensual practices allow a way of working that respects singular practices, formulations and ways of thinking and recognizes them as a chance, rather than as an obstacle. What are the differences between collaboration, cooperation and collectivism? Can open source-models inspire new modes of working together and of a collective ownership of the means of production? Introductory lectures by Martina Ruhsam, choreographer (A), Chris Standfest, dramaturge (A), Katherina Zakravsky, theorist (A) 18:00 Screening and discussion: Chto Delat: "The Builders" This video project is inspired by the painting "The Builders of Bratsk" (1961) by Viktor Popkov. As a Soviet art critic once accurately noted, "the paintings main theme is the 'resurgence of life.'" By today, this piece has become an iconographic symbol of self-possessed, concentrated people, not only standing on the brink of great changes, but capable of making sense of this transformation and realizing it. Igor Grubić: "East Side Story" Split screen video, one channel shows footage from a gay pride parade in Zagreb, another shows a set of dance sequences performed by lone individuals in the same city. The crowd-conditioned violence detailed in the former, and recorded on its soundtrack, lends an edge to the solo performances in the latter. 02.06.2012. 11:30 – 14:00 Procedures, methodologies, scores with presentations by Bojana Cvejić, Martina Granić (TASK), OOUR, BADco. 18:00 Book and publication presentations: Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Bojana Cvejić: "A Choreographer's Score" This book explores four of Rosas' early works: Fase, Rosas danst Rosas, Elena's Aria, and Bartók. In addition to sketches, notes, and photographs, it features four DVDs that include interviews with De Keersmaeker, as well as dance demonstrations and extensive video clips from each of the four works. "SCORES – Publication" With its own publication – SCORES– the Tanzquartier Wien is for the first time continuing its artistic-theoretical program in another, independent medium. SCORES takes artistic research one step further and opens a performative space within the discursive one – in order to facilitate the sustainability of the discourse practiced in the house and to serve as an invitation to dialogue.   Organized by: Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance / Dance Week Festival Zagreb in collaboration with Tanzquartier Wien and BADco. Zagreb Thanks to: Chto Delat, Igor Grubić, WHW Program is an activity of Beyond Fronta project supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union. Project supported by: Zagreb City Office for Education, Culture and Sport, Ministry of Culture RH, European Commission, Austrian Cultural Forum, British Council , INTPA Partners: Tanzquartier Wien, Flota zavod Murska Sobota (SI), Greenwich Dance Agency (UK), Verein fur neue Tanzformen (AT), Pro progressione (HU), OHO Oberwart (SI) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BADco. invites you to see SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or how to explain contemporary dance to an undead hare at Dance Week Festival Zagreb! 02.06.2012 21:00 @ Zagreb Dance Centre, Ilica 10, Zagreb [caption id="attachment_851" align="alignnone" width="500"] BADco. "SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or how to explain contemporary dance to an undead hare"[/caption] BADco. i HIPP vas pozivaju na simpozij


01.-02.06.2012. @ Zagrebački plesni centar, Ilica 10, Zagreb UVODNI PROGRAM 30. & 31.05. 2012. 10:00 – 13:00 Grupno čitanje s Markom Kostanićem, Frakcija časopis za izvedbene umjetnosti #60/61 "Umjetnicki rad u doba stednje" SIMPOZIJ 01.06.2012. 11:00 - 13:00 Radost supripadanja? Suvremene suradničke prakse u izvedbenim umjetnostima nisu vođene romantičarskom idejom "sretnog zajedničkog bivanja" ili pak projekcijom neke buduće društvene ili političke revolucije već se radije fokusiraju na procese koji omogućavaju singularizaciju čije je bitno obilježje višeglasje uključenih, samoorganizacija i samoodređenje. Postkonsezualne prakse omogućuju suradnju poštujući individualne načine rada te oblikovanje stavova i mišljenja, prepoznajući sve to kao priliku radije nego kao prepreku. Koje su razlike između suradnje, kooperacije i kolektivizma? Mogu li modeli otvorenog koda inspirirati nove moduse suradnje i kolektivnog vlasništva nad sredstvima proizvodnje? Uvodna izlaganja održat će Martina Ruhsam, koreografkinja (A), Chris Standfest, dramaturginja (A), Katherina Zakravsky, teoretičarka (A). 18:00 Projekcija video radova i razgovor: Chto Delat: "The Builders" Ovaj video projekt inspiriran je slikom Viktora Popkova "Graditelji Bratska" (1961.g.) čiju je glavnu temu jedan kritičar točno opisao kao "revitalizacija". Do danas ta je slika zadržala status ikonografskog simbola staloženih, koncentriranih ljudi koji stoje na rubu velikih promjena, razumiju ih i spremni su ih sprovesti. Igor Grubić: "East Side Story" Na podijeljenom ekranu jedan kanal pokazuje dokumentarne snimke gay parade u Beogradu i Zagrebu dok drugi pokazuje niz solo plesnih sekvenci koje izvode plesači u istom gradu. Grupno uvjetovano nasilje vidljivo je do u detalj na prvom ekranu u dokumentarnom videu, a zvučna snimka dokumentarnog videa, nasnimljena preko plesnog videa, daje kritički smisao plesnim izvedama na drugom ekranu. 02.06.2012. 11:30 – 14:00 Procedure, metodologije, partiture Prezentacije Bojane Cvejić, Martine Granić (TASK), OOUR-a, BADco. 18:00 Predstavljanje knjige i časopisa: Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker i Bojana Cvejić: "A Choreographer's Score" Ova knjiga istražuje četiri rana rada Rosas: Fase, Rosas danst Rosas, Elena's Aria, i Bartók. Pored skica, bilježaka i fotografija, knjiga sadrži četiri DVD-a sa razgovorima s Anne Teresom De Keersmaker, plesnim demonstracijama i video isječcima iz te četiri predstave. "SCORES – Publication" Vlastitiom publikacijom "SCORES" Tanzquartier Wien po prvi puta nastavlja svoj umjetničko-teorijski program posredstvom drugačijeg, samostalnog medija. SCORES gura umjetničko istraživanje korak dalje otvarajući izvedbeni prostor unutar diskurzivnog, s namjerom održavanja diskurzivne prakse u samoj kući i poziva na dijalog.   Organizirali: Hrvatski Institut za pokret i ples / Tjedan suvremenog plesa Zagreb u suradnji s Tanzquartier Wien i BADco. Zagreb Zahvaljujemo: Chto Delat, Igoru Grubiću, WHW-u Program je dio aktivnosti projekta Beyond Fronta podržan od strane Programa Kultura, Europske Unije. Projekt podržali: Gradski ured za kulturu, obrazovanje i sport Grada Zagreba, Ministarstvo kulture RH, Europska komisija, Austrijski kulturni forum, British Council, INTPA Partneri: Tanzquartier Wien, Flota zavod Murska Sobota (SI), Greenwich Dance Agency (UK), Verein fur neue Tanzformen (AT), Pro progressione (HU), OHO Oberwart (SI) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BADco. vas poziva na izvedbu

POLUINTERPRETACIJE ili kako objasniti suvremeni ples nemrtvom zecu

u sklopu Tjedna suvremenog plesa! 02.06.2012 21:00 @ Zagrebački plesni centar, Ilica 10, Zagreb