BADco. Semi-interpretations @ Belgrade 12.11.2011 & 1 poor and one 0 @ Vienna 18.11.2011

Walking Theory (TkH) and BITEF Theater present, in the context of the project Balcan Can Contemporary:

SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or how to explain contemporary dance to an undead hare

12.11.2011 20:00 @ Bitef Teatar, Skver Mire Trailovic 1, Belgrade, Serbia Composition and modulation: Nikolina Pristaš Notes and blackboxing: Goran Sergej Pristaš Semi-inspired by the work of: Joseph Beuys, Francois Delsarte, Franz Kafka, Steven Shaviro, Bruno Latour and Graham Harman Tickets at the Bitef Theater box office, phone (prefix for Serbia): 069/8992400 ---------- BADco. takes part in the Plumpe Spekulation event organized by Science Communications in the context of the project "The Art of Knowing (the limits of knowledge)":

1 poor and one 0

18.11.2011 20:00 @ Theater Garage X, Petersplatz, Vienna, Austria BADco. members Tomislav Medak, Nikolina Pristaš and Goran Sergej Pristaš will also present in the "Night lectures" program. [caption id="attachment_851" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="BADco. "SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or how to explain contemporary dance to an undead hare""][/caption]   Teorija koja hoda (TkH) u okviru projekta Balcan Can Contemporary i BITEF teatar predstavljaju:

POLUINTERPRETACIJE ili kako objasniti suvremeni ples nemrtvom zecu

12.11.2011. 20:00 @ Bitef Teatar, Skver Mire Trailović 1, Beograd, Srbija Kompozicija i modulacije: Nikolina Pristaš Biljeske i blackboxing: Goran Sergej Pristaš Poluinspirirano radovima: Josepha Beuysa, Francoisa Delsartea, Franza Kafke, Stevena Shavira, Brune Latoura i Grahama Harmana Prodaja karata na blagajni Bitef teatra, broj telefona: 069/8992400 --------- U organizaciji Science Communications, BADco. gostuje u sklopu dogadjanja Plumpe Spekulation projekta "The Art of Knowing (the limits of knowledge)":

1 siromašan i jedna 0

18.11.2011. 20:00 @ Theater Garage X, Petersplatz, Beč, Austrija Članovi BADco. Tomislav Medak, Nikolina Pristaš i Goran Sergej Pristaš također sudjeluju kraćim izlaganjima u programu "Noćnih lekcija".

BADco. Semi-interpretations @ Belgrade 12.11.2011 & 1 poor and one 0 @ Vienna 18.11.2011

Walking Theory (TkH) and BITEF Theater present, in the context of the project Balcan Can Contemporary:

SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or how to explain contemporary dance to an undead hare

12.11.2011 20:00 @ Bitef Teatar, Skver Mire Trailovic 1, Belgrade, Serbia Composition and modulation: Nikolina Pristaš Notes and blackboxing: Goran Sergej Pristaš Semi-inspired by the work of: Joseph Beuys, Francois Delsarte, Franz Kafka, Steven Shaviro, Bruno Latour and Graham Harman Tickets at the Bitef Theater box office, phone (prefix for Serbia): 069/8992400 ---------- BADco. takes part in the Plumpe Spekulation event organized by Science Communications in the context of the project "The Art of Knowing (the limits of knowledge)":

1 poor and one 0

18.11.2011 20:00 @ Theater Garage X, Petersplatz, Vienna, Austria BADco. members Tomislav Medak, Nikolina Pristaš and Goran Sergej Pristaš will also present in the "Night lectures" program. [caption id="attachment_851" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="BADco. "SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or how to explain contemporary dance to an undead hare""][/caption]   Teorija koja hoda (TkH) u okviru projekta Balcan Can Contemporary i BITEF teatar predstavljaju:

POLUINTERPRETACIJE ili kako objasniti suvremeni ples nemrtvom zecu

12.11.2011. 20:00 @ Bitef Teatar, Skver Mire Trailović 1, Beograd, Srbija Kompozicija i modulacije: Nikolina Pristaš Biljeske i blackboxing: Goran Sergej Pristaš Poluinspirirano radovima: Josepha Beuysa, Francoisa Delsartea, Franza Kafke, Stevena Shavira, Brune Latoura i Grahama Harmana Prodaja karata na blagajni Bitef teatra, broj telefona: 069/8992400 --------- U organizaciji Science Communications, BADco. gostuje u sklopu dogadjanja Plumpe Spekulation projekta "The Art of Knowing (the limits of knowledge)":

1 siromašan i jedna 0

18.11.2011. 20:00 @ Theater Garage X, Petersplatz, Beč, Austrija Članovi BADco. Tomislav Medak, Nikolina Pristaš i Goran Sergej Pristaš također sudjeluju kraćim izlaganjima u programu "Noćnih lekcija".