BADco.'s Nikolina Pristaš and Goran Sergej Pristaš are taking part in a four-day programme that examines publicness in places exhibiting contemporary art
BMW Tate Live: Spatial Confessions (On the question of instituting the public)
21.-24.05.2014 @ Tate Modern, London, UK
The programme is comprised of a series of choreographic experiments staged within the unique public arena of Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall, a performance of social choreography as part of the ongoing series "Performance Room" and a day of talks, debates and films. It addresses questions of social, political and choreographic forms of publicness arising through contemporary art practices.
"Spatial Confessions" is conceived by Bojana Cvejić in collaboration with Christine De Smedt, Lennart Laberenz, Marta Popivoda, Ana Vujanović and other invited guests.
Nikolina Pristaš will be taking part with a
choreographic, and Goran Sergej Pristaš with a
spoken intervention.
[caption id="attachment_1558" align="alignnone" width="470"]

Marta Popivoda, "Yugoslavia, How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body", 2013[/caption]
Članovi BADco. Nikolina Pristaš i Goran Sergej Pristaš sudjeluju u četverodnevnom programu koji propituje moment javnosti u izložbenim prostorima koji predstavljaju suvremenu umjetnost
BMW Tate Live: Spatial Confessions (On the question of instituting the public)
21.-24.05.2014. @ Tate Modern, London, Velika Britanija
Program se sastoji od serije koreografskih eksperimenata unutar jedinstvene javne arene Turbine Hall muzeja Tate Modern, izvedbe socijalne koreografije kao dijela serije "Performance Room" i dana predavanja, debata i filmskih projekcija.
"Spatial Confessions" je osmislila Bojana Cvejić u suradnji s Christine De Smedt, Lennartom Laberenzom, Martom Popivodom, Anom Vujanović i dr.
Nikolina Pristaš sudjeluje s
koreografskom, a Goran Sergej Pristaš s
govornom intervencijom.