La MaMa presents
Perforations Festival New York, a live arts festival featuring some of the leading contemporary performing artists from the Balkan region, including
SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or how to explain contemporary dance to an undead hare
12.03.2011 22:00 @ Club La MaMa, 74A East 4th Street, New York City
Composition and modulation: Nikolina Pristaš
Notes and blackboxing: Goran Sergej Pristaš
Semi-inspired by the work of: Joseph Beuys, Francois Delsarte, Franz Kafka, Steven Shaviro, Bruno Latour and Graham Harman
More information about the production:
Tickets are $15 for general admission/$10 for students and seniors.
Tickets can be purchased through La MaMa’s box office at 212-475-7710, and online at
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La MaMa predstavlja
Perforacije New York, festival izvedbenih umjetnosti koji predstavlja vodeće umjetnike Balkana, uključujući predstavu
POLUINTERPRETACIJE ili kako objasniti suvremeni ples nemrtvom zecu
12.03.2011. 22:00 @ Club La MaMa, 74A East 4th Street, New York City
Kompozicija i modulacije: Nikolina Pristaš
Biljeske i blackboxing: Goran Sergej Pristač
Poluinspirirano radovima: Josepha Beuysa, Francoisa Delsartea, Franza Kafke, Stevena Shavira, Brune Latoura i Grahama Harmana
Vise o predstavi:
Karte po cijeni $15 ($10 za studente i umirovljenike) na blagajni kluba La MaMa, ili na telefon 212-475-7710, te online: