Presentation of "League of Time" (work in progress) 26.03.2009 in Istanbul

Presentation within SEAS events in Istanbul of our 2009 production League of Time (work in progress)! "A literature that is alive does not live by yesterday’s clock, nor by today’s, but by tomorrow’s. It is a sailor sent aloft: from the masthead he can see foundering ships, icebergs, and maelstroms still invisible from the deck. He can be dragged down from the mast and put to tending the boilers or working the capstan, but that will not change anything: the mast will remain, and the next man on the masthead will see what the first has seen. In a storm, you must have a man aloft. We are in the midst of a storm today, and SOS signals come from every side. Only yesterday a writer could calmly stroll along the deck, clicking his Kodak (genre); but who will want to look at landscapes and genre scenes when the world is listing at a forty-five-degree angle, the green maws are gaping, the hull is creaking? Today we can look and think only as men do in the face of death: we are about to die- and what did it all mean? How have we lived? If we could start over again, from the beginning, what would we live by? And for what? What we need in literature today are vast philosophic horizons- horizons seen from mastheads, from airplanes; we need the most ultimate, the most fearsome, the most fearless ‘Why?’ and ‘What next?’." Yevgeny Zamyatin, 1923 In its new production the Zagreb-based performance collective BADco. commences another complex operation, this time an operation in time. At the beginning of the new century we ask ourselves: What happens to all future times whose time has run out? What happens to futures that never took place? What to the utopias that have become everyday? What is the time remaining? Departing from a wide circle of artistic sources (Kafka's America, Mayakovsky's "American" and futurist poetry, Bogdanov's Red Star, early Soviet SF, East European ufology, American psychedelic art), BADco. embarks on an ecstatic journey through time, taking the audience by means of time through a series of multiplications, simultaneities, non-linear structures, surplus of time and impossible spaces. Authors: Pravdan Devlahović, Ivana Ivković, Ana Kreitmeyer, Tomislav Medak, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec and others Premiere: July 2009 in Rijeka, Croatia More information soon! Coproducers: BADco., Drugo more, Croatian Nationa Theater Ivan pl. Zajc, Prostor+ Supported by: Zagreb City Council for Education, Culture and Sport; Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia BADco. is co-organizer of BLACK/North SEAS. BLACK/NORTH SEAS has been funded with support from the EU Culture Programme. [caption id="attachment_410" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Konstantin Melnikov's "Sonata of Sleep""]Konstantin Melnikov's "Sonata of Sleep"[/caption] Prezentacija u sklopu SEAS dogadjanja u Istanbulu našeg novog projekta Liga vremena (rad u nastajanju)! "Živa književnost ne živi prema jučerašnjem satu, niti prema današnjem, nego prema sutrašnjem. Ona je mornar kojega su poslali gore, na katarku, odakle vidi kako tonu lađe, gleda ledene sante i opake struje koje se ne razlikuju sa palube. Mogu ga skinuti s katarke i privesti kotlovima, u utrobu broda, ali to ne mijenja ništa: drugi će s katarke vidjeti isto što je vidio prvi. Mornar je na katarci potreban u buri. Sada je bura, s raznih se strana čuje SOS. Jos se juče pisac mogao mirno šetati palubom, škljocati kodakom (svagdan); ali kome će pasti na pamet da na filmu gleda krajolike i žanr-slike kada se svijet naherio za 45°, zijaju zelena ždrijela, a paluba trešti? Sada se može gledati i misliti samo kao pred smrt: eto, umrijet ćemo - i što će se desiti? kako smo živjeli? ako ćemo živjeti ispočetka, na novi način - onda čime, radi čega? Sada su književnosti potrebna golema, katarkasta, avionska, filozofska obzorja, potrebno je posljednje, najstrašnije, najhrabrije "Zašto?" i "A što će biti dalje?"" E. Zamiatin, 1923. U svojoj novoj predstavi, izvedbeni kolektiv, BADco. otvara još jednu kompleksnu operaciju, ovaj put operaciju u vremenu. Početkom novog stoljeća, postavljamo si pitanja: Što je sa svim budućim vremenima čije je vrijeme isteklo? Što sa budućnostima koje se nikad nisu dogodile? Što sa utopijama koje su postale svagdanom? Kakvo nam je vrijeme preostalo? Krećući od širokog kruga umjetničkih predložaka (Kafkina Amerika, Majakovskijeve "američke" i futurističke poeme, Bogdanovljeva Crvena zvijezda, sovjetski rani SF, istočnoeuropska ufologija, američka psihodelična umjetnost) koji nas ekstatično vode na putovanja kroz vrijeme, BADco. se s gledateljima upućuje na plovidbu pomoću vremena (by the means of time) u nizu iznenadnih uvišestručenja, istovremenosti, nelinearnih konstrukcija, suvišaka vremena i nemogućih prostora. Autorski tim: Pravdan Devlahović, Ivana Ivković, Ana Kreitmeyer, Tomislav Medak, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec i dr. Premijera: srpanj 2009. u Rijeci Više informacija uskoro! Koprodukcija: BADco., Drugo more, HNK Ivana pl. Zajca, Prostor+ Podržali: Ured za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport Grada Zagreba, Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske BADco. je suorganizator BLACK/North SEAS. Platforma BLACK/NORTH SEAS je podržana od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.

Presentation of "League of Time" (work in progress) 26.03.2009 in Istanbul

Presentation within SEAS events in Istanbul of our 2009 production League of Time (work in progress)! "A literature that is alive does not live by yesterday’s clock, nor by today’s, but by tomorrow’s. It is a sailor sent aloft: from the masthead he can see foundering ships, icebergs, and maelstroms still invisible from the deck. He can be dragged down from the mast and put to tending the boilers or working the capstan, but that will not change anything: the mast will remain, and the next man on the masthead will see what the first has seen. In a storm, you must have a man aloft. We are in the midst of a storm today, and SOS signals come from every side. Only yesterday a writer could calmly stroll along the deck, clicking his Kodak (genre); but who will want to look at landscapes and genre scenes when the world is listing at a forty-five-degree angle, the green maws are gaping, the hull is creaking? Today we can look and think only as men do in the face of death: we are about to die- and what did it all mean? How have we lived? If we could start over again, from the beginning, what would we live by? And for what? What we need in literature today are vast philosophic horizons- horizons seen from mastheads, from airplanes; we need the most ultimate, the most fearsome, the most fearless ‘Why?’ and ‘What next?’." Yevgeny Zamyatin, 1923 In its new production the Zagreb-based performance collective BADco. commences another complex operation, this time an operation in time. At the beginning of the new century we ask ourselves: What happens to all future times whose time has run out? What happens to futures that never took place? What to the utopias that have become everyday? What is the time remaining? Departing from a wide circle of artistic sources (Kafka's America, Mayakovsky's "American" and futurist poetry, Bogdanov's Red Star, early Soviet SF, East European ufology, American psychedelic art), BADco. embarks on an ecstatic journey through time, taking the audience by means of time through a series of multiplications, simultaneities, non-linear structures, surplus of time and impossible spaces. Authors: Pravdan Devlahović, Ivana Ivković, Ana Kreitmeyer, Tomislav Medak, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec and others Premiere: July 2009 in Rijeka, Croatia More information soon! Coproducers: BADco., Drugo more, Croatian Nationa Theater Ivan pl. Zajc, Prostor+ Supported by: Zagreb City Council for Education, Culture and Sport; Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia BADco. is co-organizer of BLACK/North SEAS. BLACK/NORTH SEAS has been funded with support from the EU Culture Programme. [caption id="attachment_410" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Konstantin Melnikov's "Sonata of Sleep""]Konstantin Melnikov's "Sonata of Sleep"[/caption] Prezentacija u sklopu SEAS dogadjanja u Istanbulu našeg novog projekta Liga vremena (rad u nastajanju)! "Živa književnost ne živi prema jučerašnjem satu, niti prema današnjem, nego prema sutrašnjem. Ona je mornar kojega su poslali gore, na katarku, odakle vidi kako tonu lađe, gleda ledene sante i opake struje koje se ne razlikuju sa palube. Mogu ga skinuti s katarke i privesti kotlovima, u utrobu broda, ali to ne mijenja ništa: drugi će s katarke vidjeti isto što je vidio prvi. Mornar je na katarci potreban u buri. Sada je bura, s raznih se strana čuje SOS. Jos se juče pisac mogao mirno šetati palubom, škljocati kodakom (svagdan); ali kome će pasti na pamet da na filmu gleda krajolike i žanr-slike kada se svijet naherio za 45°, zijaju zelena ždrijela, a paluba trešti? Sada se može gledati i misliti samo kao pred smrt: eto, umrijet ćemo - i što će se desiti? kako smo živjeli? ako ćemo živjeti ispočetka, na novi način - onda čime, radi čega? Sada su književnosti potrebna golema, katarkasta, avionska, filozofska obzorja, potrebno je posljednje, najstrašnije, najhrabrije "Zašto?" i "A što će biti dalje?"" E. Zamiatin, 1923. U svojoj novoj predstavi, izvedbeni kolektiv, BADco. otvara još jednu kompleksnu operaciju, ovaj put operaciju u vremenu. Početkom novog stoljeća, postavljamo si pitanja: Što je sa svim budućim vremenima čije je vrijeme isteklo? Što sa budućnostima koje se nikad nisu dogodile? Što sa utopijama koje su postale svagdanom? Kakvo nam je vrijeme preostalo? Krećući od širokog kruga umjetničkih predložaka (Kafkina Amerika, Majakovskijeve "američke" i futurističke poeme, Bogdanovljeva Crvena zvijezda, sovjetski rani SF, istočnoeuropska ufologija, američka psihodelična umjetnost) koji nas ekstatično vode na putovanja kroz vrijeme, BADco. se s gledateljima upućuje na plovidbu pomoću vremena (by the means of time) u nizu iznenadnih uvišestručenja, istovremenosti, nelinearnih konstrukcija, suvišaka vremena i nemogućih prostora. Autorski tim: Pravdan Devlahović, Ivana Ivković, Ana Kreitmeyer, Tomislav Medak, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec i dr. Premijera: srpanj 2009. u Rijeci Više informacija uskoro! Koprodukcija: BADco., Drugo more, HNK Ivana pl. Zajca, Prostor+ Podržali: Ured za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport Grada Zagreba, Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske BADco. je suorganizator BLACK/North SEAS. Platforma BLACK/NORTH SEAS je podržana od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.