BADco. invites you to the presentation of
Is There Life on Stage? - Remainder
15.12.2011 20:00 @
Zagreb Youth Theater, Zagreb
Remainder is the first of a series of performances in the process of the making of BADco.'s new production
Is There Life on Stage?. A project that will reach its final phase at the end of 2012,
Is There Life on Stage? is an exploration at the intersection of two problem fields: the environment and realism in theater. The work starts from two questions: How to stage an ecosystem? What is the status of reality and document in the isolated ecosystem of the theater?
For the first, announcing performance of the project eight BADco. members have invited eight colleagues to develop a series of micro-performances that will direct the future directions of the production: Goran Ferčec, Oliver Frljić, Aleksandra Janeva, Dubravko Mihanović, Goran Petercol, Jasenko Rasol, Željka Sančanin, Tanja Vrvilo
In co-production with
The presentation was prepared at the Culture Center Novi Zagreb and
Dance Center TALA.
On invitation of
ekscena BADco. is taking part in this year's
Living Room Festival as it happens in Berlin, Madrid, Brussels and Zagreb.
BADroom (or BADco. feat Podroom): A Peer Discussion on Self-Organization
19.12.2011 20:00 @
A self-organized art festival provides an opportunity to discuss artistic self-organization. Thus, we propose to our peers, our colleagues -- the participating artists and cultural workers, be they with us physically or through the internet -- a discussion starting from a historic document that will serve us as a script. This document is a discussion between the Artistic Worker Co-operative "Podroom" that was published in the first issue of their samizdat "Prvi broj" ("The First Issue"). After three years of running the artist-run gallery "Podroom" in the period 1978-1980, artists Goran Trbuljak, Mladen Stilinović, Sanja Iveković, Dalibor Martinis, Goran Petercol, Ivan Dorogi, Antun Maračić, Boris Demur and Vlado Martek retrospectively discuss the reasons that have lead them to self-organize their own exhibitions, to question the existing institutional setups, to advocate labor rights and to deal with a number of broader issues that deal with the framing of artistic practice. Based on this historic document and questions it suggests, we would like to propose to you, our fellow artists, a discussion on the present moment and present framing of artistic practice.
The discussion based on RZU "Podroom" was concieved in the framework of the project "Removed from the Crowd", Institute for Duration, Location and Variables (DeLVe), and was originally staged on invitation by the curators Ivana Bago and Antonia Majača at the exhibition "Political Practices of (Post) Yugoslav Art" in the Museum "25. Maj" in Belgrade on the 30th of November 2009. The discussion will be in English.
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BADco. vas poziva na prezentaciju projekta
Ima li života na sceni? - Preostalo
15.12.2011 20:00 @
zekaem, Zagreb
Preostalo je prva od ciklusa izvedbi u procesu nastanka nove predstave kolektiva BADco.
Projekt Ima li života na sceni? koji u svoju završnu fazu ulazi krajem 2012. godine, umjetničko je istraživanje u polju dvaju povezanih problemskih skupova: okoliš i realizam u teatru. Rad na predstavi kreće od dva pitanja: Kako inscenirati ekosistem? Koji je status stvarnosti i dokumenta u izoliranom okolišu teatra?
Za prvu, najavnu izvedbu projekta osam članova BADco. pozvali su na suradnju osam kolega izvan kolektiva s kojima razvijaju seriju mikroizvedbi koje će naznačiti polazišne perspektive buduće predstave: Goran Ferčec, Oliver Frljić, Aleksandra Janeva, Dubravko Mihanović, Goran Petercol, Jasenko Rasol, Željka Sančanin, Tanja Vrvilo
Predstava nastaje u koprodukciji s
Prezentacija je pripremana u Centru za kulturu Novi Zagreb i
Plesnom centru TALA.
Na poziv
ekscene BADco. sudjeluje u ovogodisnjem izdanju
Living Room Festivala koji se paralelno odvija u Berlinu, Briselu, Madridu i Zagrebu.
BADroom (iliti BADco. feat Podroom): Kolegijalni razgovor o samoorganizaciji uz historijski predložak
19.12.2011. 20:00 @
U sklopu samoorganiziranog umjetničkog festivala prilika je voditi razgovor o pitanju umjetničke samoorganizacije. Predlažemo, stoga, Vama, našim kolegama, sudjelujućim umjetnicima i kulturnim radnicima, bilo fizički prisutnim ili uključenim preko internetske telekomunikacije, razgovor temeljem jednog historijskog predloška: razgovora Radne zajednice umjetnika "Poodroom" koji je objavljen u prvom broju njihovog samizdatog biltena pod naslovom "Prvi broj". Nakon trogodišnjeg djelovanja samoorganizirane galerije "Poodrom" u razdoblju 1978.-1980., umjetnici Goran Trbuljak, Mladen Stilinović, Sanja Iveković, Dalibor Martinis, Goran Petercol, Ivan Dorogi, Antun Maračić, Boris Demur i Vlado Martek rekapituliraju razloge koji su ih ponukali na samoorganizirano izlagačko djelovanje, preispitivanje djelovanja institucija, zagovaranje radnih prava i bavljenje drugim pitanjima koja ulaze u širi dijapazon pitanja oko okvira za umjetničko djelovanje. Temeljem tog historijskog teksta i pitanja koja otvara mi predlažemo razgovor o našem aktualnom umjetničkom trenutku i okviru za djelovanje.
Razgovor temeljem diskusije RZU "Podroom" je koncipiran u okviru projekta "Izvadjeni iz gomile", Instituta za trajanje, mjesto i varijable (DeLVe), te prvotno izveden na poticaj kustosica Ivane Bago i Antonie Majače na izložbi "Političke prakse (post-)jugoslavenske umjetnosti" u Muzeju 25. Maj u Beogradu 30. novembra 2009. Razgovor će biti vođen na engleskom.