BADco. kicks off a grand celebration of our
10 years together with the performance of
The League of Time at the
Platform of Young Choreographers in Zagreb!
05.10.2010 18:00 @
Zagreb's Center for Independent Culture and Youth, POGON Jedinstvo hall, Savski nasip, Zagreb
Tickets for the Platform of Young Choreographers:
TUI Generalturist, Bogoviceva 6, Zagreb, phone: +385-1-4873121, +385-1-4873124
MSU, Av. Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb, phone: +385-1-6052700
In the framework of the
Platform of Young Choreographers we will present dramaturgical approaches, choreographic procedures and technological processes of our work:
06.10.2010 18:00 @ foyer of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
Free entry!
All are welcome to pose questions never they might have, to state opinions or open debate. Or try out, together with us, some of the procedures and performative operations. Just like taking part in a BADco. rehearsal!
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BADco. započinje veliku proslavu
10 godina rada predstavom
Liga vremena na
Platformi mladih koreografa u Zagrebu!
05.10.2010. 18:00 @
Zagrebacki centar za nezavisnu kulturu i mlade, POGON Jedinstvo, Savski nasip, Zagreb
Ulaznice za Platformu mladih koreografa:
TUI Generalturist, Bogovićeva 6, tel: 01/4873121, 01/4873124
MSU, Av. Dubrovnik 17, tel: 01/6052700
U sklopu
Platforme mladih koreografa predstavljamo dramaturške pristupe, koreografske procedure i tehnološke procese našeg rada:
06.10.2010. 18:00 @ foaje Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb
Slobodan ulaz na prezentaciju!
Zainteresirani su dobrodošli postaviti pitanja koja nikad nisu imali priliku postaviti, iznjeti mišljenja i nedoumice ili pak iskušati zajedno s nama neke od procedura i izvedbenih operacija. Baš kao na BADco. probi!