See our performance
The League of Time in Stockholm in the context of
16.-18.11.2010 20:00 @
Orionteatern, Katarina Bangata 77, Stockholm, Sweden
Tickets at the theater box-office:
+46-8-6438880 or
SEAS X - the final event of Black/North SEAS takes place in Stockholm with the international conference and lab
Re:Imagining Cultural Space, with showing of Anne Lise Stenseth's series of videos
The Kiss & Waste Project.
[caption id="attachment_626" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="BADco. "The League of Time", 2010"]

Pogledajte našu predstavu
Liga vremena u Stockholmu u okviru programa
16.-18.11.2010. 20:00 @
Orionteatern, Katarina Bangata 77, Stockholm, Sweden
Ulaznice na blagajni Orionteaterna:
+46-8-6438880 ili
SEAS X - završno događanje projekta Black/North SEAS u Stockholmu uključuje međunarodnu konferenciju i laboratorij
Re:Imagining Cultural Space, sa projekcijama serije videa Anne Lise Stenseth
The Kiss & Waste Project.