In case you are somewhere near Bergen on June, 5th and 6th drop by and join us for a 24 hour camp
Institutions need to be constructed during which BADco. will be working and performing together with Norwegian artists Espen Sommer Eide, Ingri Fiksdal, Grafters’ Quarterly, Signe Lidén!
Over the period of 24 hours and on the location of the abandoned factory in Bergen BADco. together with a group of invited artists and spectators intends to stage the problems of relations between production, labour, watching and resting.
To see more see the website of

Pridružite nam se na dvodnevnom događanju
Institucije treba graditi – kampu u organizaciji BADco. u suradnji s umjetnicima/cama Espen Sommer Eide, Ingri Fiksdal, Grafters’ Quarterly, Signe Lidén u Bergenu, Norveškoj!
Tijekom 24h na lokaciji napuštene tvornice u Bergenu BADco. će u suradnji s grupom pozvanih umjetnika/ca i gledatelja/ica scenski postaviti pitanja i probleme koji povezuju ideje produkcije, rada, gledanja i odmora.
Više na stranici