BADco.'s Nikolina Pristaš, Ana Kreitmeyer and Ivana Ivković will hold a three day workshop and participate in a three day creative lab using
Whatever Dance Toolbox in the context of
BEYOND India program for young dance makers
02.-04.12.2011 @ ickamsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
BADco. will present
Responsibility for Things Seen: Tales in Negative Space, the site-specific installation and intervention created for the Croatian exhibition at the 54th Venice Biennale in the context of
03.12.2011 10:30 @ debalie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Nikolina Pristaš, Ana Kreitmeyer i Ivana Ivković iz BADco. će voditi trodnevnu radionicu i trodnevni lab na principima
Whatever Dance Toolboxa u sklopu programa
BEYOND India program za mlade plesače i koreografe
02.-04.12.2011. @ ickamsterdam, Amsterdam, Nizozemska
BADco. predstavlja site-specific instalaciju i intervenciju
Odgovornost za viđeno: Priče iz negativnog prostora, rad u sklopu
hrvatskog sudjelovanja na Venecijanskom bijenalu u kontekstu festivala
03.12.2011. 10:30 @ debalie, Amsterdam, Nizozemska