They ask you in interviews to disclose your obsessions. You expect those questions but deem them too obvious. Your answer is already prepared: "My work is like science, and science is like pornography. You isolate one detail and expose it to observation, repetition, permutation. In the future everyone will watch only their own porn material, their own experimental home movies... This obsession with isolation and detail, this I call scientific method.

- BADco. "Responsibility for Things Seen", 2011, photo: Dinko Rupčić
Black and Forth is about obsession, the obsession of watching, the obsession of forging a relationship between the observer and the observed, the obsessive search for the materiality of the invisible, the unexhibited and the unsubstantiated. Every scene on stage is a note to its own making, a note on the possibility of creating an image, a physiognomy of a world held as a promise in the image, the responsibility for the optical unconscious, a note to all that differentiates a technologically produced image from magic. The repertoire of this theater production has been determined by a translation of cinematic procedure and film production into theater. It is inspired by the work of authors and thinkers of structuralist film Tomislav Gotovac, Michael Snow, Slobodan Šijan and others. This production does not seek to translate one means of expression into another, but to inquire how theater must change to accommodate the showing of a cinematic object. We do not see film or theater as media, but as circuits of desire for the very apparatus of representation –
BADco. as a theater collective understands the film script as a score of the image, the camera as a manual for watching, and film editing as the narrative function of theater. Theater which occurs in this meeting with film is already a place of missed opportunities, offering the viewer a visual contract with reality, a contract that depicts the eye as the performer, the theater as a watching reality. Returning to the theater what film had taken from it at the beginning of the twentieth century, and what film had left five decades later, we ask:What is the position of the viewer in watching? Are we related to the images that we see? Who are the off-screen, invisible people? When does the film extra become the performer, or the performer an extra in her own performance?
The theatre production
Black and Forth is a continuation of the project
Responsibility for Things Seen commissioned by the curators' collective
What, How and for Whom/WHW for the
54th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia. The audience will have a chance to experience a stage version of the installation presented in Venice. Software developer
Daniel Turing has developed an interactive computer system for the project, one that records and stores video material and edits it algorithmically in real time.
The installation and the premiere of the theater production will be first presented in Zagreb in February 2012 as part of the exhibition of the Croatian participation at the 54th Venice Biennale
One Needs to Live Self-Confidently... Watching.
Performers: Pravdan Devlahović, Ana Kreitmeyer,
Danijel Ljuboja, Nikolina Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec
Director: Goran Sergej Pristaš
Choreography: Pravdan Devlahović, Ana Kreitmeyer, Nikolina Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec
Dramaturgy: Ivana Ivković, Tomislav Medak
Software: Daniel Turing
Cinematographer: Dinko Rupčić
Costume design: Silvio Vujičić
Light design: Alan Vukelić
Sound: Jasmin Dasović
Collaborators: Ana Martina Bakić i Ana Ogrizović
Company manager: Lovro Rumiha
The production presents the text
Group Enjoyment by Antonio G. Lauer a.k.a. Tomislav Gotovac, courtesy of Sarah Gotovac.
The production presents the film
Chapter 2: Parametricism / “No Future” by BADco. (still image film, B/W, 2011)
Photography: Dinko Rupčić
Camera assistant: Hrvoje Franjić
Video editing: Iva Kraljević
Performers: BADco. i Ivo Kušek
Architectural visualisation: Antun Sevšek
Draftsmen: Igor Pauška, Slaven Josip Delalle
Production assistant: Valentina Orešić
Modelers: Lidija Živković, Ivana Hribar, Barbara Radelj
Coproducers: BADco.,
Zagreb Youth Theatre
Supported by: Zagreb City Council for Education, Culture and Sport; Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia
The project was also rehearsed at the Culture Centre Novi Zagreb.

- BADco. "Responsibility for Things Seen", 2011, photo: Dinko Rupčić
Pitaju vas u intervjuu o Vašim opsesijama. Očekujete takvo pitanje, ali Vam se čini previše predvidljivim. Odgovarate unaprijed planiranim odgovorom: "To što ja radim je poput znanosti, a znanost ima puno sličnosti s pornografijom. Izoliraš jedan detalj i izložiš ga promatranju, ponavljanju, permutacijama. U budućnosti će svi gledati samo svoje porniće, svoje eksperimentalne filmove u kućnom kinu... Ta opsesija izolacijom i detaljem, to ja zovem znanstvenom metodom."
Tamno i natrag predstava je opsesije, opsesije gledanja, opsesije stvaranja odnosa između gledatelja i gledanog, opsesivne potrage za materijalnošću nevidljivog, neprikazanog i nesadržajnog. Svaka scena u predstavi je i bilješka vlastitog stvaranja, bilješka mogućnosti stvaranja slike, fiziognomije svijeta koji slika obećava te odgovornosti za optičko nesvjesno, za sve što tehnološki proizvedenu sliku razlikuje od magije. Repertoar prikazanog u ovoj predstavi uvjetovan je prevođenjem filmskih procedura, načina filmske proizvodnje u teatar. Inspirirana radovima autora i promišljatelja strukturnog filma Tomislava Gotovca, Michaela Snowa, Slobodana Šijana i dr., predstava ne teži prevođenju iz jednog jezika u drugi nego se pita kako se teatar mora promijeniti kad u njemu želimo prikazati filmski objekt? Ne želeći shvatiti niti film niti kazalište kao medije, nego sklopove želje za samim aparatom prikazivanja, kazališni kolektiv
BADco. razumijeva scenarij kao partituru za sliku, kameru kao priručnik za gledanje, a montažu kao pripovjednu funkciju teatra. Kazalište koje nastaje u ovom susretu s filmom mjesto je unaprijed propuštenih prilika koje gledatelju nudi vizualni ugovor sa stvarnošću, ugovor kojim oko postaje izvođač, a teatar gledajuća stvarnost. Vraćajući teatru ono što mu je film početkom dvadesetog stoljeća uzeo, a onda pola stoljeća kasnije napustio, postavljamo si pitanja:
Gdje je pozicija gledatelja u gledanju? Imamo li veze sa slikama koje gledamo? Tko su neprikazani, nevidljivi ljudi? Kada statist postaje izvođač, a izvođač statist u vlastitoj izvedbi?
Tamno i natrag nastavak je projekta
Odgovornost za viđeno nastalog na poziv kustoskog kolektiva
Što, kako i za koga/WHW za
54. Venecijanski bijenale. Publika će imati priliku vidjeti i scensku verziju instalacije s venecijanske izložbe. Za potrebe projekta
Daniel Turing razvio je interaktivni računalni sustav koji snima i pohranjuje video materijale te ih algoritamski montira u stvarnom vremenu.
Instalacija i premijera predstave bit će izvedeni u sklopu zagrebačkog predstavljanja hrvatskog nastupa na 54. venecijanskom bijenalu pod naslovom
Potrebno je živjeti samouvjereno... gledajući u veljači 2012.
Izvođači: Pravdan Devlahović, Ana Kreitmeyer,
Danijel Ljuboja, Nikolina Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec
Redatelj: Goran Sergej Pristaš
Koreografija: Pravdan Devlahović, Ana Kreitmeyer, Nikolina Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec
Dramaturgija: Ivana Ivković, Tomislav Medak
Softver: Daniel Turing
Snimatelj: Dinko Rupčić
Dizajn kostima: Silvio Vujičić
Dizajn svjetla: Alan Vukelić
Zvuk: Jasmin Dasović
Suradnice na postavu: Ana Martina Bakić i Ana Ogrizović
Producent: Lovro Rumiha
U predstavi se koristi tekst
Grupno uživanje Antonia G. Lauera a.k.a.Tomislava Gotovca. Prava ustupila Sarah Gotovac.
U predstavi se prikazuje film BADco.
Poglavlje 2: Parametricizam / “No Future” (fotofilm, c/b, 2011.)
Snimatelj: Dinko Rupčić
Asistent snimatelja: Hrvoje Franjić
Montaža: Iva Kraljević
Izvođači: BADco. i Ivo Kušek
Arhitektonska vizualizacija: Antun Sevšek
Crtači: Igor Pauška, Slaven Josip Delalle
Asistent produkcije: Valentina Orešić
Izrada objekata: Lidija Živković, Ivana Hribar, Barbara Radelj
Koprodukcija: BADco.,
Zagrebačko kazalište mladih
Projekt podržan od: Gradskog ureda za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport Grada Zagreba, Ministarstva kulture RH
Projekt je dijelom pripreman u Centru za kulturu Novi Zagreb.