BADco. will perform its newest production in Ljubljana!
A Pound of Hysteria, Acceleration... - melodrama -
12.05.2014 20:00 @ Stara elektrarna, Ljubljana, Slovenia
While discussing the disintegration of the Soviet Union in a 1989 televised interview, Heiner Müller and Alexander Kluge return to Brecht's sentence "Petroleum resists five acts". That sentence sums up the problem that faces epic theater. How can dramatic material depict historical processes with all their inner contradictions, progressions and setbacks that transcend characters and their relationships? The same question - what dramatic material is an adequate means of representation of the organizing principles of today’s reality - is the speculative problem of
A Pound of Hysteria, Acceleration... BADco.'s new performance attempts to find the answer in the historical dialogue of two artists, the playwright Heiner Müller and the film director Alexander Kluge. At the end of the eighties two artists speculate about politics and social upheaval, yet today that speculation resounds as a document of our own present.
This performance takes part in the framework of
TIMeSCAPES, Images and performances of time in late capitalism, a partner project of BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana), Science Communications Research (Vienna), Walking Theory (Belgrade) and Film-protufilm (Zagreb). With the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union.
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BADco. "A Pound of Hysteria, Acceleration...
- melodrama ", photo: Dinko Rupcic[/caption]
BADco. vas poziva na ljubljansku izvedbu naše najnovije predstave!
Dodatak histerije, ubrzanja... - melodrama -
12.05.2014. 20:00 @ Stara elektrarna, Ljubljana, Slovenia
U televizijskom razgovoru iz 1989. o raspadu Sovjetskog Saveza Heiner Müller i Alexander Kluge vraćaju se na Brechtovu rečenicu "Nafta se opire petočinki". U toj rečenici sažet je problem pred kojim se nalazi epski teatar. Kako kroz dramski materijal prikazati historijske procese sa svim njihovim unutarnjim kontradikcijama, napredovanjima i nazadovanjima koji nadilaze likove i njihove međusobne odnose? To isto pitanje - što je prikazivanju organizirajućih načela današnjice adekvatan dramski materijal - problemski je ulog i predstave
Dodatak histerije, ubrzanja... - melodrama.
Izvedba se održava u okviru platforme
TIMeSCAPES, slike i izvedbe vremena u kasnom kapitalizmu partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana), Science Communications Research (Beč), Teorija koja hoda - TkH (Beograd) i Film-protufilm (Zagreb). Platforma TIMeSCAPES je podržana od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.