BADco. invites you to see
A Lesser Evil at
Monoplay Festival in Zadar, Croatia!
30.08.2015 20:00 @Monoplay Festival, Zadar, Croatia
You go and you arrive somewhere. Or not. You watch and you see something. Or not. The place at which you arrive will not exist for long, the things you see seem like a threat. But what connects the concrete place, its time and its duration, is rhythm; a rhythm which constitutes dance, which constitutes fear, a rhythm which constitutes pleasure.

BADco. vas poziva na izvedbu plesnog sola
Manje zlo na
Monoplay festivalu u Zadru!
30.08.2015. 20:00 @Monoplay festival, Zadar
Krenete i nekamo stignete. Ili ne. Gledate i nešto vidite. Ili ne. Mjesto na koje dođete neće još dugo postojati, stvari koje vidite čine se kao prijetnja. Ono što veže konkretno mjesto, njegovo vrijeme i trajanje možda je ritam, ritam koji tvori ples, ritam koji tvori strah, ritam koji tvori užitak.