memories are made of this... in Bergen and Tromsø

BADco. invites you to performances of memories are made of this... performance notes in Norway: October 23 and 24 at BIT Teatergarasjen's Oktoberdans in Bergen, and October 26 and 27 at Rådstua Teaterhus in Tromsø, presented by Tromsø Kunstforening. [caption id="attachment_136" align="alignnone" width="455" caption="memories are made of this... performance notes (2006)"]memories are made of this... performance notes[/caption] Pravdan Devlahović, Ana Kreitmeyer, Krešimir Mikić, Nikolina Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec & Damir Bartol Indoš Directed by / Režija: Goran Sergej Pristaš Dramaturgy / Dramaturgija: Ivana Ivković Collaborators / Suradnici: Tor Lindstrand (prostor/space), Daniel Turing (software), Nicolas Siepen (film), Miljenko Bengez (lights/svjetlo), Silvio Vujičić (costumes/kostimi) Design / Dizajn: Gordan Karabogdan [caption id="attachment_137" align="alignnone" width="455" caption="memories are made of this... - Krešo Mikić (2006)"]memories are made of this - Krešo Mikić[/caption] Borrowing the title from the famous Dean Martin song, this notebook-like performance explores the mechanisms of forgetting, emotional consumption and remembering moments and spaces that have been evacuated or that were never there. Joining the regular cast of BADco. on this occasion are Krešimir Mikić, Damir Bartol Indoš and Zrinka Užbinec. "Instead of being sorry for yourself, listen" she said. (She always says "Listen," because she thinks while she talks /really/ thinks.) So she said: "Listen. Suppose this wasn't a crack in you - suppose it was a crack in the Grand Canyon." "The crack is in me," I said heroically. "Listen! The world only exists in your eyes-your conception of it. You can make it as big or as small as you want to. And you're trying to be a little puny individual. By God, if i ever cracked, I'd try to make the world crack with me. Listen! the world only exists through your apprehension of it, and so it's much better to say that it's not you that's cracked-it's the Grand Canyon." F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Crack-Up VIDEO: Memories... on Nova TV [caption id="attachment_138" align="alignnone" width="455" caption="memories are made of this... (2006)"]memories are made of this[/caption] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nakon premijere nove predstave 1 poor and one 0 na festivalu Steirischer Herbst BADco. nastupa s memories are made of this... performance notes u Norveškoj: 23. i 24. listopada na BIT Teatergarasjen's Oktoberdans u Bergenu i 26. i 27. listopada u Rådstua Teaterhus u Tromsøu, u organizaciji Tromsø Kunstforeninga. Više o predstavi: Posuđujući naslov poznate pjesme Deana Martina, predstava u formi izvedbene bilježnice, približava nam mehanizme zaboravljanja, emotivne potrošnje i prisjećanja na trenutke i prostore koji su prazni ili ih nikad nije ni bilo. Uz već stalne članove u novoj predstavi BADco. nastupaju Krešimir Mikić, Damir Bartol Indoš i Zrinka Užbinec. Umjesto da se stalno sažaljevaš, slušaj – kaže ona (Ona uvijek kaže 'Slušaj' zato što misli dok govori, zaista misli.) I tako ona kaže: Slušaj. Recimo da ta pukotina nije u tebi – recimo da je u Grand Canyonu. Pukotina u meni, rekoh ja herojski. Slušaj! Svijet postoji samo u tvojim očima – kao tvoja koncepcija. Možeš ga učiniti onoliko malim ili onoliko velikim, već kako sam želiš. A ti izigravaš nekakvog slabašnog pojedinca. Tako mi svega, kada bih ja puknula ja bih napravila da svijet pukne sa mnom. Slušaj! Svijet postoji samo onako kako ga ti razumiješ i onda je puno bolje reći da nisi ti taj koji je puknuo – puknuo je Grand Canyon. F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Crack-Up VIDEO: Memories... na Nova TV ----- In co-production with / U koprodukciji sa: Intercult, Stockholm, Student Center - Culture of Change / Studentski centar - Kultura promjene, Teatar &TD, Zagreb, Theorem supported by / podržan iz programa Culture 2000 Performance was prepared in / Pripremano u: Centar za kulturu / Culture Center Novi Zagreb & PAF, St. Erme, Francuska The project is supported by the Zagreb City Council for Culture, the Ministry of Culture, Croatia, Goethe Institute (Zagreb) and Embassy of Sweden (Zagreb). / Ostvareno uz potporu Gradskog ureda za kulturu i Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske, Goethe Instituta Zagreb i Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Švedske u RH. Special thanks to / Zahvaljujemo: Mårten Spångberg, IBM/Lenovo, Medic d.o.o., Ivana Sajko, Kazimir Curić (Virtualni ured d.o.o.), Đurđa Janeš, Marko Sančanin & Platforma 9,81, Tomislav Medak

memories are made of this... in Bergen and Tromsø

BADco. invites you to performances of memories are made of this... performance notes in Norway: October 23 and 24 at BIT Teatergarasjen's Oktoberdans in Bergen, and October 26 and 27 at Rådstua Teaterhus in Tromsø, presented by Tromsø Kunstforening. [caption id="attachment_136" align="alignnone" width="455" caption="memories are made of this... performance notes (2006)"]memories are made of this... performance notes[/caption] Pravdan Devlahović, Ana Kreitmeyer, Krešimir Mikić, Nikolina Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec & Damir Bartol Indoš Directed by / Režija: Goran Sergej Pristaš Dramaturgy / Dramaturgija: Ivana Ivković Collaborators / Suradnici: Tor Lindstrand (prostor/space), Daniel Turing (software), Nicolas Siepen (film), Miljenko Bengez (lights/svjetlo), Silvio Vujičić (costumes/kostimi) Design / Dizajn: Gordan Karabogdan [caption id="attachment_137" align="alignnone" width="455" caption="memories are made of this... - Krešo Mikić (2006)"]memories are made of this - Krešo Mikić[/caption] Borrowing the title from the famous Dean Martin song, this notebook-like performance explores the mechanisms of forgetting, emotional consumption and remembering moments and spaces that have been evacuated or that were never there. Joining the regular cast of BADco. on this occasion are Krešimir Mikić, Damir Bartol Indoš and Zrinka Užbinec. "Instead of being sorry for yourself, listen" she said. (She always says "Listen," because she thinks while she talks /really/ thinks.) So she said: "Listen. Suppose this wasn't a crack in you - suppose it was a crack in the Grand Canyon." "The crack is in me," I said heroically. "Listen! The world only exists in your eyes-your conception of it. You can make it as big or as small as you want to. And you're trying to be a little puny individual. By God, if i ever cracked, I'd try to make the world crack with me. Listen! the world only exists through your apprehension of it, and so it's much better to say that it's not you that's cracked-it's the Grand Canyon." F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Crack-Up VIDEO: Memories... on Nova TV [caption id="attachment_138" align="alignnone" width="455" caption="memories are made of this... (2006)"]memories are made of this[/caption] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nakon premijere nove predstave 1 poor and one 0 na festivalu Steirischer Herbst BADco. nastupa s memories are made of this... performance notes u Norveškoj: 23. i 24. listopada na BIT Teatergarasjen's Oktoberdans u Bergenu i 26. i 27. listopada u Rådstua Teaterhus u Tromsøu, u organizaciji Tromsø Kunstforeninga. Više o predstavi: Posuđujući naslov poznate pjesme Deana Martina, predstava u formi izvedbene bilježnice, približava nam mehanizme zaboravljanja, emotivne potrošnje i prisjećanja na trenutke i prostore koji su prazni ili ih nikad nije ni bilo. Uz već stalne članove u novoj predstavi BADco. nastupaju Krešimir Mikić, Damir Bartol Indoš i Zrinka Užbinec. Umjesto da se stalno sažaljevaš, slušaj – kaže ona (Ona uvijek kaže 'Slušaj' zato što misli dok govori, zaista misli.) I tako ona kaže: Slušaj. Recimo da ta pukotina nije u tebi – recimo da je u Grand Canyonu. Pukotina u meni, rekoh ja herojski. Slušaj! Svijet postoji samo u tvojim očima – kao tvoja koncepcija. Možeš ga učiniti onoliko malim ili onoliko velikim, već kako sam želiš. A ti izigravaš nekakvog slabašnog pojedinca. Tako mi svega, kada bih ja puknula ja bih napravila da svijet pukne sa mnom. Slušaj! Svijet postoji samo onako kako ga ti razumiješ i onda je puno bolje reći da nisi ti taj koji je puknuo – puknuo je Grand Canyon. F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Crack-Up VIDEO: Memories... na Nova TV ----- In co-production with / U koprodukciji sa: Intercult, Stockholm, Student Center - Culture of Change / Studentski centar - Kultura promjene, Teatar &TD, Zagreb, Theorem supported by / podržan iz programa Culture 2000 Performance was prepared in / Pripremano u: Centar za kulturu / Culture Center Novi Zagreb & PAF, St. Erme, Francuska The project is supported by the Zagreb City Council for Culture, the Ministry of Culture, Croatia, Goethe Institute (Zagreb) and Embassy of Sweden (Zagreb). / Ostvareno uz potporu Gradskog ureda za kulturu i Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske, Goethe Instituta Zagreb i Veleposlanstva Kraljevine Švedske u RH. Special thanks to / Zahvaljujemo: Mårten Spångberg, IBM/Lenovo, Medic d.o.o., Ivana Sajko, Kazimir Curić (Virtualni ured d.o.o.), Đurđa Janeš, Marko Sančanin & Platforma 9,81, Tomislav Medak