BADco. invites you to our latest production The Drawer!
22.1., 23.1., 24.1. 2015. at 21:00 @ Kino SC, Savska 25, Zagreb, Croatia
In the new BADco. performance nothing will be there where you expect it, even you won't be in the place where you usually would have been... but all will nevertheless be directed to a place where you might have been...Still, you will be here, caught in an attempt to encounter your own gaze and find your shadow somewhere amongst diverse drawings, images and projections.
All the technicalities of the stage which are usually used for the creation of a scene reveal, in this case, events that may have happened behind the image thus exposing the chaos of the dark spot of a blinded human organ of sight.That glare of light once was an ecstasy of seeing and once a possible nuclear vision.
The Drawer is situated in an atelier scattered with objects that have a limited function. Amongst these objects and together with them the performers dedicate their dancing to an encounter with a reflection, to an endeavor to resist being dependent upon one's own image, its history and its exhibition value.
"Despite the fact that the spectator never leaves her seat or "participates" in the performance in any way her position is manifoldly problematized. The process of gaze circulation is not activated by the usual mechanics of gaze exchange whereby performers activate the spectators by watching them thus mobilizing their sense of presence and self-awareness, quite the contrary, our spectatorial position is intensified without them ever laying an eye on us."
Una Bauer,
The Drawer is developed as a series of encounters of BADco. with the visual artist Siniša Ilić, writer and dramaturge Goran Ferčec and students of dance from The Danish National School of Performing Arts who are spending their internship with BADco. After two months of collaboration and sharing of the process, the artists involved will go each separate ways; BADco. will continue to perform their version and the students their own version(s) of the performance, making it thus only partially possible to predict similarities and differences in the performances’ afterlife.
In this open atelier you will be able to meet the following artists:
…those who are involved at the moment:
Pravdan Devlahović (performance)
Goran Ferčec (dramaturgy)
Fuji Hoffmann (performance)
Siniša Ilić (drawings and stage design)
Ana Kreitmeyer (performance)
David Kummer (performance)
Goran Sergej Pristaš (directing)
Nikolina Pristaš (choreography)
Olivia Riviere (performance)
Zrinka Užbinec (performance)
those who left:
Ingvild Bertelsen (performance)
Meleat Fredriksson (performance)
Sandra Liaklev Andersen (performance)
Nanna Stigsdatter Mathiassen (performance)
Karis Zidore Christensen (performance)
Software: Daniel Turing
Additional development: Anton Koch
“When a man begins to consecrate himself before intercourse with his wife with a sacred intention, a holy spirit is aroused above him, composed of both male and female.
And the Holy One, blessed be He, directs an emissary who is in charge of human embryos, and assigns to him this particular spirit, and indicates to him the place to which it should be entrusted.
This is the meaning of " The night said, a man-child has been conceived." ( Job 3:3 ).
"The night said" to this particular emissary, " a man-child has been conceived " by so-and-so.
And the Holy One, blessed be He, then gives this spirit all the commands that He wishes to give, and they have already explained this.
Then the spirit descends together with the image (tselem ), the one in whose likeness [ diyokna ] [ the spirit] existed above.
With this image man grows; with this image he moves through the world.
This is the meaning of "Surely man walks with an image" ( Psalms 39:7 ).
While this image is with him, man survives in the world.... A man's days exist through the image, and are dependent on it.”
Night had fallen very quickly; all of a sudden, it seemed, the sky went black above the skylight. The keeper switched on the lamps, and we were almost blinded by the blaze of light. We asked him if he couldn’t turn off one of the lamps. The glare off the white walls was making our eyes smart. “Nothing doing,” he said. They’d arranged the lights like that; either one had them all on or none at all. After having had our eyes closed, we had a feeling that the light had grown even stronger than before. There wasn’t a trace of shadow anywhere, and every object, each curve or angle, seemed to score its outline on one’s eyes.
Albert Camus: The Stranger
Production: Lovro Rumiha
Project supported by: Zagreb City Council for Education, Culture and Sport; Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia
U novoj predstavi izvedbene skupine BADco. ništa neće biti tamo gdje očekujete, ni Vas neće biti tamo gdje ste trebali biti, ali sve će biti upućeno na mjesto gdje ste se mogli naći. Ipak, bit ćete tu u pokušaju da se susretnete s vlastitim pogledom i nađete svoju sjenu između crteža, slike i projekcije.
Sva tehničnost scene, inače namijenjena kreiranju scenskog prizora, u slučaju
Crtača pokazuje nam ono što se može dogoditi iza slike, eksponirajući slike kaosa koje proizlaze iz crne točke zaslijepljenog ljudskog organa vida. Taj je bljesak jednom bio ekstaza gledanja, a neki drugi put moguća nuklearna vizija.
Crtač je u ateljeu prepunom predmeta s ograničenom funkcijom, u kojem izvođači, između ostataka i zajedno s njima, koreografiju posvećuju susretu s odrazom, pokušaju da izdrže ovisnost o vlastitoj slici, njezinom porijeklu i njezinoj izložbenoj vrijednosti.
“Iako gledatelj u
Crtaču ne ustaje s mjesta, ne "participira" i ne "sudjeluje" u izvedbi, njegova je pozicija višestruko problematizirana. Proces uzvraćanja pogleda tako se ne tiče mehanike toga da izvođači gledaju publiku, pa smo na taj način izloženi i aktivirani, nego da intenziviraju našu gledateljsku poziciju bez da su na nas uopće svrnuli pogled.“
Una Bauer,
Crtač nastaje u nizu susreta BADco. s likovnim umjetnikom Sinišom Ilićem, piscem i dramaturgom Goranom Ferčecom i studentima plesa Danske nacionalne škole za kazalište i suvremeni ples koji stažiraju u BADco. Po dvomjesečnom zajedničkom radu predstava će rezultirati razilaskom suradnika: BADco. će izvoditi svoju, a studenti iz Kopenhagena svoju verziju čije je sličnosti i razlike samo donekle moguće predvidjeti.
Popis autora koje ćete sresti:
Pravdan Devlahović (izvedba)
Goran Ferčec (dramaturgija)
Fuji Hoffmann (izvedba)
Siniša Ilić (crteži i scena)
Ana Kreitmeyer (izvedba)
David Kummer (izvedba)
Goran Sergej Pristaš (režija)
Nikolina Pristaš (koreografija)
Olivia Riviere (izvedba)
Zrinka Užbinec (izvedba)
Autori koji su otišli:
Ingvild Bertelsen (izvedba)
Meleat Fredriksson (izvedba)
Sandra Liaklev Andersen (izvedba)
Nanna Stigsdatter Mathiassen (izvedba)
Karis Zidore Christensen (izvedba)
Softver je izradio Daniel Turing, a dodatno razvio Anton Koch.
“Kad muškarac započne posvećenje prije nego što stupi u odnos sa svojom ženom s blaženom nakanom, sveti duh načinjen istovremeno i od muškarca i od žene uzdignut je nad njim.
I Sveti, blagoslovljen bio, šalje izaslanika koji je zadužen za ljudske embrije, i dodjeljuje mu taj (poseban, specifičan) jedinstveni duh, i ukazuje mu na mjesto kojem treba biti povjereno.
To je značenje rečenice “Noć je kazala, muško dijete je začeto.” (Job 3:3).
“Noć je kazala” tom jedinstvenom izaslaniku, “muško dijete je začeto” od toga i toga.
I Sveti, blagoslovljen bio, tom duhu zatim daje sve zapovijedi koje On želi dati, što su već ranije rastumačili.
Zatim duh siđe zajedno sa slikom (
tselem), onom u čijoj je sličnosti [
diyokna] [ duh] bivao gore (iznad). S tom slikom čovjek raste; s tom slikom prolazi kroz svijet. To je značenje rečenice “Sigurno čovjek prolazi sa slikom” (Ps. 39:7).
“Dok je slika s njim, čovjek preživljava u svijetu… Ljudski dani postoje kroz sliku i o njoj su ovisni.”
Naglo se bilo smrklo. Vrlo se brzo mrak zgusnuo iznad staklenog stropa. Vratar okrenu prekidač, a iznenadni bljesak svjetla zasjeni nam oči. Upitasmo ga ne bi li se mogla ugasiti jedna svjetiljka. Zamarao nas je odsjaj svjetla na bijelim zidovima. Odgovorio je da se ne može. Električne instalacije su tako uređene - ili sve ili ništa.
Kad smo otvorili oči, učinilo nam se da je prostorija zbog bjeline još blistavija. Pred nama nije bilo ni sjene, a svaki predmet, svaki kut, sve krivine ocrtavale su se toliko jasno da su nam bole oči.
Albert Camus: Stranac
Produkcija: Lovro Rumiha
Autor vizuala: Siniša Ilić
Projekt je podržan od: Gradskog ureda za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport Grada Zagreba i Ministarstva kulture RH.