Join BADco. for the performance of The Stranger in the framework of the conference Open City.

With a three-day cultural program with lectures, discussions and workshops, the conference critically examines the needs and problems of today’s cities; how socio-cultural centers can contribute to reducing poverty, social exclusion and pollution and how they encourage integration. Organized by the platform Operation City – Upgrade.

13.10.2016, 21:00 @ Zagreb Dance Centre

Free entry with reservation:

No charge for tickets, but donations from the public are welcome and will be used to support refugees in the process of integration into Croatian society – one of the activities of the future Intercultural community center.

Departing from the problem of the absence of (com)passion and expected emotional reactions, the project, using Camus’s antihero Meursault, provides a view of the social and systemic hypocrisies that are hidden behind relationships based on transparency. This stage reading of The Stranger focuses on three dominant images borrowed from the novel: the situation of confession, prison, and the moment of the murder itself as the point where all of the novel’s forces accumulate. Shedding light on a narrative and discourse as an attempt to explain what happened generates the level of confession, the law of transparency. Constructing a transparent choreographic score examines, in terms of mise-en-scène, the performative potency of the situations and atmospheres inscribed in the novel. Finally, with light literally shed upon it, the murder, as the central point in the narrative, is presented as a tableau of a continual threat and a stage image that constantly remains incomplete in the spectator’s eye, in its poetic character, always incomplete in waiting for a visual release, unclear because too clear.


Join BADco. for the performance of The Stranger in the framework of the conference Open City.

With a three-day cultural program with lectures, discussions and workshops, the conference critically examines the needs and problems of today’s cities; how socio-cultural centers can contribute to reducing poverty, social exclusion and pollution and how they encourage integration. Organized by the platform Operation City – Upgrade.

13.10.2016, 21:00 @ Zagreb Dance Centre

Free entry with reservation:

No charge for tickets, but donations from the public are welcome and will be used to support refugees in the process of integration into Croatian society – one of the activities of the future Intercultural community center.

Departing from the problem of the absence of (com)passion and expected emotional reactions, the project, using Camus’s antihero Meursault, provides a view of the social and systemic hypocrisies that are hidden behind relationships based on transparency. This stage reading of The Stranger focuses on three dominant images borrowed from the novel: the situation of confession, prison, and the moment of the murder itself as the point where all of the novel’s forces accumulate. Shedding light on a narrative and discourse as an attempt to explain what happened generates the level of confession, the law of transparency. Constructing a transparent choreographic score examines, in terms of mise-en-scène, the performative potency of the situations and atmospheres inscribed in the novel. Finally, with light literally shed upon it, the murder, as the central point in the narrative, is presented as a tableau of a continual threat and a stage image that constantly remains incomplete in the spectator’s eye, in its poetic character, always incomplete in waiting for a visual release, unclear because too clear.