BADco.'s Nikolina Pristaš, Goran Sergej Pristaš and Zrinka Užbinec lead a workshop at the renown school for contemporary dance as a part of
P.A.R.T.S. Research Studios' Cluster #2: Time and rhythm - conceived and guided by Bojana Cvejić and Tom Engels.
08.-19.02.2016 @ P.A.R.T.S., Brussels, Belgium
This workshop is grounded in BADco.'s interest in the so-called rhythmanalysis (Henri Lefebvre) and focused greatly on the experimentation with a set of varied relations which occur between rhythmic patterning,vibrations and frequencies, as well as different ways of measuring time. Furthermore, one of the mythological topoi of the discourse on dance is precisely the body’s attempt to reach a state when it is fully immersed in the act of dancing. This choreographic proposition is an attempt to neglect the romanticist concept of the body as a generator of movement and focus instead on the body’s ability to mediate but also to resist different series of movements, gazes and vibrations which chain both living and nonliving mediators together by way of conformation, translation, composition, etc.
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A Lesser Evil, photo: Dinko Rupčić[/caption]
Članovi BADco. Nikolina Pristaš, Goran Sergej Pristaš i Zrinka Užbinec vode radionicu na prestižnoj plesnoj školi u sklopu programa
P.A.R.T.S. Research Studios' Cluster #2: Vrijeme i ritam koji su koncipirali i vode Bojana Cvejić i Tom Engels.
08.-19.02.2016. @ P.A.R.T.S., Brisel, Belgija
Radionica se temelji se na preokupaciji BADco. takozvanom ritam-analizom (Henri Lefebvre) i uvelike je usmjerena na eksperimentiranje sa setom raznovrsnih odnosa koji nastaju između ritmičkih obrazaca, vibracija i frekvencija, kao i različitim načinima mjerenja vremena. Nadalje, jedan od mitoloških toposa diskursa o plesu je upravo stremljenje tijela da ostvari stanje potpune uronjenosti u čin plesa. Ovaj koreografski prijedlog je pokušaj da se zanemari romantičarski koncept tijela kao generatora kretanja i da se usredotoči na sposobnost tijela da posreduje, ali i da se odupre različitim serijama pokreta, pogleda i vibracija koje povezuju i žive i nežive posrednike kroz ustrojstvo, prijevod, kompoziciju, itd.