BADco. is a partner in
LABO21 - European Platform for Interdisciplinary Research on Artistic Methodologies.
Our platform partners are:
Random Dance (London),
Troubleyn (Antwerp) and
International Choreographic Arts Centre (Amsterdam).
Under the heading of
LABO21, the different partners carry out research on artistic methodologies and how these 'methods' can be understood and captured. Despite the variety of the propositions, the partners share the same objectives. They want to enhance and generate new understandings in performing arts by bringing knowledge of performance and dance into conjunction with other fields such as cognitive sciences, biology and technology research, social science and philosophy.
Together with the research,
LABO21 also organizes various public events, such as salons, workshops, colloquia, etc.
If you would like to stay informed, please subscribe to the newsletter
Upcoming partner events include:
25.-29.03.2013 - Double Skin/Double Mind Workshop at Laboratorium Antwerp, BE
08.-11.05.2013 - Salon#2 at Warwick University, UK
BADco. je partner u platformi
LABO21 - Evropskoj platformi za interdisciplinarna istraživanja umjetničkih metodologija.
Naši partneri su:
Random Dance (London),
Troubleyn (Antverpen) i
International Choreographic Arts Centre (Amsterdam).
U sklopu platforme
LABO21 partneri provode istraživanja umjetničkih metodologija i načina na koje se te "metode" mogu proučavati i dokumentirati. Iako projektu pristupaju s drugačijih polazišta partneri dijele ciljeve. Naglasak je na susretu izvedbenih umjetnosti, posebice plesa, sa znanstvenim disciplinama kao sto su kognitivna znanost, biologija i nove tehnologije, te društvene znanosti i filozofija.
Uz istraživački rad
LABO21 organizira različita javna događanja kao što su saloni, radionice, seminari i sl.
Ukoliko želite biti informirani pretplatite se na newsletter
Skora partnerska događanja uključuju:
25.-29.03.2013. - Double Skin/Double Mind radionica, Laboratorium, Antverpen, Belgija
08.-11.05.2013. - Salon#2, Warwick University, Velika Britanija