Nikolina Pristaš and
Ivana Ivković will hold a lecture on and an introductory workshop using
Whatever Dance Toolbox in the context of
Digital Futures in Dance
08.-10. September 2011, Pavilion Dance, Westover Road, Bournemouth, UK
Digital Futures in Dance is an opportunity for artists, promoters, producers, venues, academics and creative and digital companies to come together to discuss future possibilities for dance and technology. With an increasing growth in interdisciplinary practice, Digital Futures in Dance investigates how new digital technologies create new conditions for choreographing and presenting dance. The conference is structured around three interrelated themes explored through presentations, workshops, performances and installations.
Participants: Anthony Lilley, Silke Z./resistdance, Jonah Bokaer, BADco., Mark Coniglio (ISADORA software), Marlon Barrios Solanes, Matthias Sperling, Billy Cowie and others
For an overview of the schedule and more information on the event
click here!

Read an interview with BADco. on
our work at the 54th Venice Biennale in the
line magazine
issue "the illuminated artist"
or at the Virtual Biennale blog:
Nikolina Pristaš i
Ivana Ivković iz BADco. će održati predavanja i voditi jednodnevnu radionicu temeljenu na principimaalatke
Whatever Dance Toolbox u sklopu konferencije:
Digital Futures in Dance
08.-10. rujna 2011., Pavilion Dance, Westover Road, Bournemouth, Velika Britanija
Digital Futures in Dance je mjesto susreta umjetnika, promotora, producenata i istrazivaca, te kreativnno i digitalno orijentiranih skupina, mjesto razmjene o buducnosti plesa i novih tehnologija. U korak sa jacanjem interdisciplinarnih praksi, Digital Futures in Dance istrazuje kako digitalne tehnologije stvaraju nove uvjete za koreografski rad i prezentaciju suvremenog plesa. Konferencija je strukturirana oko tri medjusobno povezane teme kroz prezentacije, radionice, predstave i instalacije.
Sudjeluju: Anthony Lilley, Silke Z./resistdance, Jonah Bokaer, BADco., Mark Coniglio (ISADORA software), Marlon Barrios Solanes, Matthias Sperling, Billy Cowie i dr.
Za više informacija i pregled rasporeda događanja
kliknite ovdje!

Procitajte interview sa članovima BADco. o
našem radu na 54. venecijanskom bijenalu u novom broju časopisa
line magazine
sa temom "the illuminated artist"
ili na Virtual Biennale blogu: