BADco. members Tomislav Medak and Goran Sergej Pristaš will lead a lab in the context of the educational atelier
27.08.-04.09.2013 @ Sigulda and Riga, Latvia
Under the title
CHRONO-LOGICS, the lab will focus the logics and logistics of temporality in performing arts and artistic labor in general.
BaNd:expanded and the Homo Novus Festival are organized by the
New Theatre Institute of Latvia.
Članovi BADco., Tomislav Medak i Goran Sergej Pristaš, vode radionicu u sklopu edukacijskog programa
27.08.-04.09.2013. @ Sigulda i Riga, Letonija
Radionica naslovljena
CHRONO-LOGICS tematizira logike i logistike temporalnosti u izvedbenim umjetnostima, te umjetnički rad općenito.
BaNd:expanded i festival Homo Novus organizira
New Theatre Institute of Latvia.