- Deleted Messages (2004)
BADco. is a collaborative performance collective based in Zagreb, Croatia. The artistic core of the collective are Pravdan Devlahović, Ivana Ivković, Ana Kreitmeyer, Tomislav Medak, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Nikolina Pristaš, Lovro Rumiha and Zrinka Užbinec.
As a combination of four choreographers / dancers, two dramaturgs and one philosopher, plus the company production manager, since its beginning (2000), BADco. systematically focuses on the research of protocols of performing, presenting and observing by structuring its projects around diverse formal and perceptual relations and contexts. Reconfiguring established relations between performance and audience, challenging perspectival givens and architectonics of performance, problematizing of communicational structures - all of that makes BADco. an internationally significant artistic phenomenon and one of the most differentiated performance experiences.
So far the group has produced the following performances:
Man.Chair (2000),
2tri4 (2001),
Diderot's Nephew or Blood is Thicker than Water (2001),
Solo Me (2002),
RibCage (2002),
Walk This Way (2003),
Mass (for Election Day Silence) (2003),
Deleted Messages (2004),
Fleshdance (2004),
memories are made of this... performance notes (2006),
Gravidation (2006),
Changes (2007),
1 poor and one 0 (2008),
The League of Time (2009),
SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or how to explain contemporary dance to an undead hare (2010),
Point of Convergence (2010).
BADco's performances were presented in Zagreb, Dubrovnik (Art Workshop Lazareti), Rijeka (Male scene, Drugo More, Rijeka Summer Nights), Pula (MKFM), Osijek (Barutana, National theatre Osijek), Umag (Golden Lion Festival), Prague (Dance Zone, 4+4 Days in Motion), Warsaw (Rozdroze Festival), London (The Place/Aerowaves), Greifswald (Tanztendänzen), Amsterdam (Julidans), Luxemburg (Coeur des Capucines), Sibiu, Bergen (BIT), New York (PS122), San Diego (Sushi), Berlin (Podewill), Vienna (Tanzquartier Wien), Ljubljana (Exodos), Sarajevo (Days of Croatian Culture), Novi Sad (Infant, Balkan Dance Platform), Belgrade, Piran, Athens (Biennale of Youth), Tallin (Kanuti Gildi), Klaipeda, Gdansk, Liepaja, Koper, Stockholm, Podgorica (SEAS project / Intercult), Skopje (Balkan Dance Platform), Sttutgart (Treffpunkt), Riga (Homo Novus), Constanta (SEAS), Graz (Steirischer Herbst), Odessa (SEAS), Istanbul (SEAS), Madrid (In-presentable), Zadar (Zadar snova), Berlin (Tanz im August), Bergen (Oktoberdans), Tromso, London (Chelsea Theatre), Exeter, Bath, Lincoln (LPAC), Ankara, Roubaix (Les Reperages), Copenhagen (Metropolis Biennalen), Gothenburg (SEAS), Skegness (SEAS), Ghent (CAMPO nieuwpoort), Berlin (Volksbühne), Akçakoca, Ünye, Çamlıhemşin, Hopa, Batumi (Black SEAS), Stockholm (Orionteatern)...
BADco. je kolaborativna izvedbena skupina koja radi u Zagrebu. Jezgru skupine čine: Pravdan Devlahović, Ivana Ivković, Ana Kreitmeyer, Tomislav Medak, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Nikolina Pristaš, Lovro Rumiha i Zrinka Užbinec.
Od svog osnutka u 2000. godini, BADco. se kroz suradnju četvero koreografa/plesača, dvoje dramaturga i jednog filozofa, uz producenta skupine, sistematično bavi istraživanjem protokola izvođenja, predstavljanja i gledanja strukturirajući svoje projekte unutar različitih formalnih i percepcijskih odnosa i sklopova. Rekonfiguracija etabliranih odnosa izvedbe i publike, propitkivanje perspektivnih datosti i arhitektonike izvedbe, problematizacija komunikacijskih struktura - sve to čini BADco. međunarodno relevantnim umjetničkim fenomenom i jedinstvenim izvedbenim doživljajem.
Skupina je do sada napravila slijedeće predstave:
Čovjek.Stolac (2000.),
2tri4 (2001.),
Diderotov nećak ili krv nije voda (2001.),
Solo Me (2002.),
Rebro kao zeleni zidovi (2002.),
Walk This Way (2003.),
Misa (za predizbornu šutnju) (2003.),
Deleted Messages (2004.),
Fleshdance (2004.),
memories are made of this... izvedbene bilješke (2006.),
Stanje br. 2 (2006.), Promjene (2007),
1 siromašan i jedna 0 (2008),
Liga vremena (2009.),
POLUINTERPRETACIJE ili kako objasniti suvremeni ples nemrtvom zecu (2010.),
Točka sabiranja (2010.).
Predstave BADco. igrane su u Zagrebu, Dubrovniku (Art Radionica Lazareti), Rijeci (Male scene, Drugo More, Riječke ljetne večeri), Puli (MKFM), Osijeku (Barutana, Osiječko narodno kazalište), Umagu (Festival Zlatni Lav), Pragu (Dance Zone, 4+4 Days in Motion), Varšavi (Rozdroze Festival), Londonu (The Place/Aerowaves), Greifswaldu (Tanztendänzen), Amsterdamu (Julidans), Luxemburgu (Coeur des Capucines), Sibiuu, Bergenu (BIT), New Yorku (PS122), San Diegu (Sushi), Berlinu (Podewill), Beču (Tanzquartier Wien), Ljubljani (Exodos), Sarajevu (Dani hrvatske kulture), Novom Sadu (Infant), Beogradu, Piranu, Ateni (Bienale mladih), Tallinu (Kanuti Gildi), Klaipedi, Gdansku, Liepaji, Kopru, Stockholmu, Podgorici (SEAS projekt / Intercult), Skopju (Balkan Dance Platform), Sttutgartu (Treffpunkt), Rigi (Homo Novus), Constanti (SEAS), Grazu (Steirischer Herbst), Odesi (SEAS), Istanbulu (SEAS), Madridu (In-presentable), Zadru (Zadar snova), Berlinu (Tanz im August), Bergenu (Oktoberdans), Tromsou, Londonu (Chelsea Theatre), Exeteru, Bathu, Lincolnu (LPAC), Ankari, Roubaixu (Les Reperages), Copenhagenu (Metropolis Biennalen), Göteborgu (SEAS), Skegnessu (SEAS), Ghentu (CAMPO nieuwpoort), Berlinu (Volksbühne), Akçakoci, Ünye, Çamlıhemşinu, Hopi, Batumiju (Black SEAS), Stockholmu (Orionteatern)...