25 / 05 / 2016
BADco. is taking part in the exhibition we need it we do it as part of the 15th International Architecture Exhibition - Venice Biennial with the video triptych Institutions Need to be Constructed 28. May – 27. November 2016! The project entitled we need it we do it by the authorial team the members of which are Dinko Peračić, Miranda Veljačić, Slaven Tolj and Emina Višnić will represent Croatia at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition. The project focuses on the content reconstruction of three buildings, POGON Jedinstvo in Zagreb, H-building of Rikard Benčić complex as the future Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka and the Youth Centre in Split. The representation of architectural works in Biennale in Venice will be interwoven with the representation of social processes and the architectural work given as a result of collective social involvement of a wide circle of participants. Here we deal with unfinished structures which are nonetheless continuously used for artistic, cultural and social programmes of different actors, and their architectural shaping arises through a series of interactions, interventions and minor operations by which the premises are constantly improved. The three buildings concerned will be additionally explored in co-operation with the performance collective BADco. which will participate at the exhibition with the trilogy Institutions Need to be Constructed. Download the press release
BADco. sudjeluje na izložbi to trebamo – to radimo u sklopu 15. međunarodne izložbe arhitekture - Venecijanskog bijenala s video triptihom Institucije treba graditi 28. svibnja – 27. studenog 2016.! Rad to trebamo – to radimo autorskog tima kojeg čine Dinko Peračić, Miranda Veljačić, Slaven Tolj i Emina Višnić predstavljat će Hrvatsku na Venecijanskom bijenalu – 15. međunarodnoj izložbi arhitekture. Rad aktualizira sadržajnu rekonstrukciju triju građevina, Pogona Jedinstvo u Zagrebu, H-zgrade kompleksa Rikard Benčić kao budućeg doma Muzeja moderne i suvremene umjetnosti u Rijeci i Doma mladih u Splitu. Prikaz arhitektonskih projekata na Bijenalu u Veneciji bit će prepleten s prikazima društvenih procesa, a arhitektonski rad prezentiran kao dio zajedničkog društvenog angažmana više sudionika. Radi se o nedovršenim građevinama, koje se unatoč tome kontinuirano koriste za umjetničke, kulturne i društvene programe različitih aktera, a njihovo arhitektonsko oblikovanje nastaje kroz niz interakcija, intervencija i manjih zahvata kojima se prostori neprestano unapređuju. Stanje triju građevina dodatno će biti aktualizirano suradnjom sa izvedbenim kolektivom BADco. koji će na izložbi sudjelovati s trilogijom Institucije treba graditi. Preuzmite objavu za medije
25 / 05 / 2016
BADco. is taking part in the exhibition we need it we do it as part of the 15th International Architecture Exhibition - Venice Biennial with the video triptych Institutions Need to be Constructed 28. May – 27. November 2016! The project entitled we need it we do it by the authorial team the members of which are Dinko Peračić, Miranda Veljačić, Slaven Tolj and Emina Višnić will represent Croatia at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition. The project focuses on the content reconstruction of three buildings, POGON Jedinstvo in Zagreb, H-building of Rikard Benčić complex as the future Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka and the Youth Centre in Split. The representation of architectural works in Biennale in Venice will be interwoven with the representation of social processes and the architectural work given as a result of collective social involvement of a wide circle of participants. Here we deal with unfinished structures which are nonetheless continuously used for artistic, cultural and social programmes of different actors, and their architectural shaping arises through a series of interactions, interventions and minor operations by which the premises are constantly improved. The three buildings concerned will be additionally explored in co-operation with the performance collective BADco. which will participate at the exhibition with the trilogy Institutions Need to be Constructed. Download the press release
BADco. sudjeluje na izložbi to trebamo – to radimo u sklopu 15. međunarodne izložbe arhitekture - Venecijanskog bijenala s video triptihom Institucije treba graditi 28. svibnja – 27. studenog 2016.! Rad to trebamo – to radimo autorskog tima kojeg čine Dinko Peračić, Miranda Veljačić, Slaven Tolj i Emina Višnić predstavljat će Hrvatsku na Venecijanskom bijenalu – 15. međunarodnoj izložbi arhitekture. Rad aktualizira sadržajnu rekonstrukciju triju građevina, Pogona Jedinstvo u Zagrebu, H-zgrade kompleksa Rikard Benčić kao budućeg doma Muzeja moderne i suvremene umjetnosti u Rijeci i Doma mladih u Splitu. Prikaz arhitektonskih projekata na Bijenalu u Veneciji bit će prepleten s prikazima društvenih procesa, a arhitektonski rad prezentiran kao dio zajedničkog društvenog angažmana više sudionika. Radi se o nedovršenim građevinama, koje se unatoč tome kontinuirano koriste za umjetničke, kulturne i društvene programe različitih aktera, a njihovo arhitektonsko oblikovanje nastaje kroz niz interakcija, intervencija i manjih zahvata kojima se prostori neprestano unapređuju. Stanje triju građevina dodatno će biti aktualizirano suradnjom sa izvedbenim kolektivom BADco. koji će na izložbi sudjelovati s trilogijom Institucije treba graditi. Preuzmite objavu za medije